Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

On the 3rd of July 2018, the Command Handover Ceremony of the Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) Commandant and its National Component took place within the facilities of TLP at Albacete Air Base.

Presiding over the handover command ceremony was Lieutenant General César Miguel Simón López, Spanish Air Combat Command Chief. In attendance there were several military and civilian authorities, as well as military invitees from TLP MoU Nations.

Upon arrival, Lieutenant General Simón was welcomed by the outgoing TLP Cmdt, Colonel Villar. After giving his regards to the assembled guests, the command handover ceremony began by reading the appointment of Colonel Maldonado as the new TLP Commandant.

After this reading, Colonel Maldonado was sworn on oath. He then gave a speech to those present, expressing gratitude to his superiors, predecessors, colleagues and family, and standing out the professionalism of TLP and Albacete’s Air Base staff, who are responsible for the huge prestige the Unit has achieved. To conclude, Colonel Maldonado set as a target to adapt and change whatever is needed in order to keep TLP relevant in the current changing environment.

Once the handover ceremony was finished, Lieutenant General Simón, accompanied by the outgoing and incoming Colonels, proceeded with the signing of the official charter, signifying the handover had been completed.

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component