Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) and its National Component

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme

On the 13th of July 2022, the Command Handover Ceremony of the Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP) Commandant and its National Component took place within the TLP facilities at Albacete Air Base.

Presiding over the Handover Command Ceremony was Lieutenant General Francisco González-Espresati Amián, Spanish Air Combat Command Chief (GJMACOM). In attendance there were several military and civilian authorities, including Albacete’s mayor, Mr. Emilio Sáez Cruz, as well as military invitees from TLP MoU Nations.

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme

Upon arrival, Lieutenant General González-Espresati Amián was welcomed by the outgoing TLP Cmdt, Colonel Carlos Presa Díaz. After giving his regards to the assembled guests, the Command Handover Ceremony began with the reading of the resolution appointing Colonel Luis Alberto Martínez Ruiz as the new TLP Commandant.

After this reading, Colonel Martínez took the Oath of Office. Then, he gave his first order, exchanging positions with the outgoing Colonel.

To conclude, Lieutenant General Francisco González-Espresati Amián gave a brief speech to the attendees.

Handover Command of the Chief Colonel of Tactical Leadership Programme

Once the handover ceremony had finished, the GJMACOM, accompanied by the outgoing and incoming Colonels, proceeded to sign the handover minutes.